Located in Laval and Greater Montreal Area
Clinique d’Audiologie Laval is located in Laval and has several points of service in the Greater Montreal area.
Why Choose Clinique Audiologie Laval ?
Your hearing is precious, and we’re here to help you take care of it.
All audiological expertise under one roof
At Clinique Audiologie Laval, you’ll find a full range of specialized audiological services.
Quick appointments
We understand the importance of your time. With us, you can get an appointment quickly, because we put your comfort and peace of mind first.
A personalized, human approach
At Clinique Audiologie Laval, every patient is unique. We adopt a warm, personalized approach to meet your specific needs and offer you attentive support at every stage of your hearing journey.
Professional service
Our team of highly qualified audiologists puts its professional expertise at your disposal to offer you the best possible hearing care, in a welcoming and professional environment.
When you give us a call to book an appointment, you can usually get a same-day appointment. If appointments are filled, we can book you in for another date. If you send us a message, please allow up to 24 hours for our staff to get back to you and book you an appointment. If you require urgent care, please come directly to the Emergency department or call 911.
If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive in the past 14 days, please isolate and book a COVID-19 test at your nearest testing centre. If you are experiencing chest pains, please call 911 immediately.
Please call our Pediatric department at 1-800-000-0000 to book an appointment for your children below 14 years old. To register, please prepare your child’s healthcard information. If your child requires urgent care, please contact your family physician or go to the Emergency Department.
If you think you will need help with language interpretation, you may choose to bring a support person with you during the appointment. Otherwise, please advise us when you book an appointment that you require language interpretation and we will provide you with ‘over-the-phone’ interpretation service to assist you and your physician during your appointment.
Yes. All your personal and medical information are confidential. The results of your tests can only be accessed by your healthcare provider. On very rare occassions, full disclosure on your medical record by required by the court of law.
Please speak with your physician or your health specialist for the best diet to combat stress and anxiety. It is in our best interest that we take into consideration your medical history in order to provide you with the appropriate nutritional plan for stress and anxiety.
We currently offer virtual nutrition support. Virtual care is similar to in-person visits with your healthcare provider. During the virtual visit, you and your provider will discuss your current health status and your nutritional plan. They are also able to answer all your questions and during this time. If they think that you require physical examination, they can book you with an in-person appointment.
Are you having difficulties sleeping or struggling to wake up in the morning? Please give us a call to book an appointment to talk to a healthcare provider. A specialist will either book a virtual appointment with you to discuss your issues and/or book you to visit the clinic for a full physical assessment.